Contour Plotting
This brief describes the contour plotting capabilities of
Mira Pro x64,
Mira Pro x64,
and Mira Pro. Contour
plots show levels of constant intensity or luminance in an
image, much like a topographic map. With Mira, there
is no limit to the size of image, or the data type
(8 to 64 bits per pixel). Up to 100 levels may be
contoured in multi-contour mode or you can "click to
contour" at a single curve at a target luminance
level. Adjustable contour stiffness selects between
showing full detail and excluding noise — essential
for analyzing low S/N data. You can adjust the
number of contours, change the colors, and choose
auto-levels or contours at specific levels of your
choice. Contour plotting is available in
Mira Pro x64 and Mira Pro x64.
These examples show contours plotted on a grayscale image before and after applying a pseudo-color palette enhancement. Notice how the contour tracks luminance changes revealed so well by the pseudo-color palette. However, they don't show exactly the same thing. Contours trace through luminance values at the sub-pixel level, considering neighboring values, whereas palettes select only the pixel values as literally defined in the image.